
Showing posts from May, 2015

Return Of The Medes - Prophetic Implications(अनुमान)?

Bible prophecy indicates that in the End Times, as we get closer to the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, God will allow the Medes to gain power, even as the Lord allows the Arabs to gain power and rebuild the kingdom of Babylon in the heart of Iraq. Through the Kurds, the Medes have stepped out of history and onto the world stage once again, and another player in the End Times Scenario is taking its place. One day soon, the King of the Medes will again lead a vast army against Babylon, and this time her destruction will be complete, and the Lord’s words will be fulfilled. You can almost hear the footsteps of the Messiah. 10-11-14

Kurdish nationalists claim that the Kurds are descended from the Hurrians and the Medes, and the claimed Median descent is reflected in the words of the Kurdish national anthem: "we are the children of the Medes"

Richard Holkar My most illustrious ancestor was a woman, Ahilya Bai Holkar, daughter-in-law of the founder. Thanks to her administrative, political and diplomatic skill, she was recognised as the leader of the state when her youngest son died. The capital moved to Maheshwar in 1765 and she governed there for 30 years during times of peace and prosperity in territory that stretched over 10,000 square miles. She is venerated all over India as the governor that rebuilt many Shiva sanctuaries that had been destroyed by the Emperor in the 17th century. My father, Yeshwant Rao II, the last Maharajah of Indore, was known for his progressive and democratic ideas, encouraging local governments. He was also a man that was heavily influenced by western culture. He had houses in California and on the Côte d’Azur. His royal palace, Manik Bagh in Indore, is perhaps the most extraordinary and coherent example of architectural Modernism in the world. Everyt

Prince Yashwant Holkar of the Indore


Princes Sabrina Raje Holkar of Indore with Husband Arri Ellis


Distribution of Haplogroup R1a1 (Male DNA in Aryans) and J(Anatolian male DNA)

In Pakistan R1a1 is found at 71% among the Mohanna people of Sindh Province. Approximately 35% to 43% of Jewish men are in the paternal line known as haplogroup J and its sub-haplogroups. This Haplogroup is particularly present in the Middle East, Southern Europe, and Northern Africa. In India J2 is almost absent from tribals, but occurs among some Austro-Asiatic tribals (11%). The frequency of J2 is higher in South Indian castes (19%) than in North Indian castes (11%) or Pakistan (12%). J2 appears at 20% among the Yadavas of South India. Maratha males harboured high frequency of Anatolian derived J2 lineage of farmers corroborating blending with farming communities.

ऋषि वेदव्यास महाभारत ग्रंथ के रचयिता थे।

ऋषि वेदव्यास महाभारत ग्रंथ के रचयिता थे। वेदव्यास महाभारत के रचयिता ही नहीं, बल्कि उन घटनाओं के साक्षी भी रहे हैं, जो क्रमानुसार घटित हुई हैं। अपने आश्रम से हस्तिनापुर की समस्त गतिविधियों की सूचना उन तक तो पहुंचती थी। वे उन घटनाओं पर अपना परामर्श भी देते थे। जब-जब अंतर्द्वंद्व और संकट की स्थिति आती थी, माता सत्यवती उनसे विचार-विमर्श के लिए कभी आश्रम पहुंचती, तो कभी हस्तिनापुर के राजभवन में आमंत्रित करती थी। प्रत्येक द्वापर युग में विष्णु व्यास के रूप में अवतरित होकर वेदों के  विभाग प्रस्तुत करते हैं। पहले द्वापर में स्वयं ब्रह्मा वेदव्यास हुए, दूसरे में प्रजापति, तीसरे द्वापर में शुक्राचार्य, चौथे में बृहस्पति वेदव्यास हुए। इसी प्रकार सूर्य, मृत्यु, इन्द्र, धनजंय, कृष्ण द्वैपायन अश्वत्थामा आदि अट्ठाईस वेदव्यास हुए। इस प्रकार अट्ठाईस बार वेदों का विभाजन किया गया। उन्होने ही अट्ठारह पुराणों की भी रचना की। महर्षि वेदव्यास को भगवान का ही रूप माना जाता है,

Kushan Dress


पूर्व मध्य काल का विस्मृति महानायक

आदिवराह गुर्जर सम्राट मिहिरभोज महान : आर्याव्रत के महाराजाधिराज ("Great King over Kings of the abode of the Aryans". i.e. Lord of Northern India).Samrat Mihir Bhoj: Mihira Bhoja I (836–885 CE) or Bhoja I   गुर्जर - प्रतिहार छठी शताब्दी से ११वीं शताब्दी के मध्य उत्तर भारत के एक बड़े हिस्से पर राज्य करने वाला राजवंश था।मिहिरभोज इनका सबसे महान राजा था | अरब लेखक मिहिरभोज के काल को सम्पन्न काल बताते है | इतिहासकरो का मानना है कि इन गुर्जरों ने भारत को अरब हमलो से लगभग ३०० साल तक बचाया था , इसलिए प्रतिहार ( रक्षक ) नाम पडा | यद्यपि राष्ट्रकुट्टो , जो कि गुर्जरो के शत्रु थे , ने अपने अभिलेखो इन्हे उन्के किसी एक यज्ञ का प्रतिहार ( रक्षक ) बताया है | गुर्जर प्रतिहारो का पाल वन्श तथा राष्ट्रकुट्ट राजवन्श के साथ कन्नोज को लेकर युध होता था |

Indo_Aryan Langauge

The oldest attested Indo-Iranian languages are Vedic Sanskrit (ancient Indo-Aryan), Older and Younger Avestan and Old Persian (ancient Iranian languages). A few words from another Indo-Aryan language (see Indo-Aryan superstrate in Mitanni) are attested in documents from the ancient Mitanni kingdom in northern Mesopotamia and Syria and the Hittite kingdom in Anatolia

English and German


Sanskrit is a member of the Indo-Iranian subfamily of the Indo-European family of languages. Its closest ancient relatives are the Iranian languages Avestan and Old Persian

The Indo-Iranian branch

The Indo-Iranian branch Proto-Indo-Iranian speakers, the people who later called themselves 'Aryans' in the Rig Veda and the Avesta, originated in the Sintashta-Petrovka culture (2100-1750 BCE), in the Tobol and Ishim valleys, east of the Ural Mountains. It was founded by pastoralist nomads from the Abashevo culture (2500-1900 BCE), ranging from the upper Don-Volga to the Ural Mountains, and the Poltavka culture (2700-2100 BCE), extending from the lower Don-Volga to the Caspian depression. The Sintashta-Petrovka culture, associated with R1a-Z93 and its subclades, was the first Bronze Age advance of the Indo-Europeans west of the Urals, opening the way to the vast plains and deserts of Central Asia to the metal-rich Altai mountains. The Aryans quickly expanded over all Central Asia, from the shores of the Caspian to southern Siberia and the Tian Shan, through trading, seasonal herd migrations, and looting raids. Horse-drawn war chariots seem to have been

Brahma and Abraham

There are certain striking similarities between the Hindu god Brahma and his consort Saraisvati, and the Jewish Abraham and Sarai, that are more than mere coincidences. In India, a tributary of the river Saraisvati is Ghaggar. Another tributary of the same river is Hakra. According to Jewish traditions, Hagar was Sarai's maidservant

Who was Abraham??

In ancient India, the Aryan cult was called "Brahm-Aryan." The Aryans worshiped multiple gods. Abraham turned away from polytheism. By so doing, he could have become "A-Brahm" (No longer a Brahman.) The Aryans called the Asuras "Ah-Brahm." Therefore, we can logically assume that the fathers of the Indus civilization were probably prototypical Jews(Proto-Jews). Indian historian Kuttikhat Purushothama Chon believes that Abraham was driven out of India. He stat es that the Aryans, unable to defeat the Asuras (The mercantile caste that once ruled in the Indus Valley or Harappans) spent so many years fighting covertly against the Asuras, such as destroying their huge system of irrigation lakes, causing destructive flooding, that Abraham and his kindred just gave up and marched to West Asia. (See Remedy the Frauds in Hinduism.) Therefore, besides being driven out of Northern India by floods, the Aryans also forced Indian merchants, artisans, and educat

Nashik is Hebrew Word

The area that was once the favorite of Yadava royalty: Nashik, the exact Hebrew name for "Royal Prince." Satan is near the district called Khandesh (Land of Cain). There is also a Kodesh. Kod and Khad are Sanskrit terms for "First," "The Beginning," or "God." In Hebrew, Khadesh = "The first day of a Jewish calendar month." Notice that all these names have similar meanings and religious connotations in both languages.A 19th Century British Scholar Explains Why the Western World Never Learned About the Indian Origins of the Jews.

Nephilim/Navalin > Noah (Manu) >Jyapeti (Japhet or Yayati)>Javan(Son of Japhet)>Yavan(Greeks)

Nephilim/Navalin > Noah (Manu) >Jyapeti (Japhet or Yayati)>Javan(Son of Japhet)>Yavan(Greeks) >Turvasu(Son of Japhet)>Turk>Madai(Son of Japhet) >Madeans/Madan/Medes/Med >Pal(Romans)> Jordan/Jodan/Judaun> Yadu(Son of Japhet) > Yadava >Jews/Yahuda/Jha does/Judhah/Judia/Judeja Yayati/Jyapeti/Japhet was at one and the same time Dyauspitar (Jupiter), Dyus (Zeus), Vishnu or Lord Krishna, Shiva, and Buddha

Hitler took an idea to kill Jews from Darwin's theory(Survival of the fittest)

Hitler killed 6 million (60 Lac ) Jews.Jews as a descendant of Yadavs(यादवों के वंशज) are considered to be very daring & intelligent. Israel- a small Jew country, is surrounded by Muslims for thousand of years, but they are so daring that they have preserved their Jewish traditions and not have bowed to the suicide attacks of the Muslims. Albert Einstein- a Jew- is one of the greatest scientist ever. Practically whole of America is run and controlled by the Jews. Jews used to worship cows and a deity called "BAL". Race: Hitler and the Nazis also thought that people could be divided into different races and that there was a struggle going on between these different races. According to the Nazis the ‘Aryan race’ was the best and strongest race. Jews were of another inferior race. In fact so inferior that they were not considered to be ‘people’ by the Nazis. He wanted to destroy the Jews because of his distorted view of Social Darwinism (survival of the fittest) be

Origin of Chitpavan Brahman

According to Bene Israeli legend, the Chitpavan and Bene Israel are descendants from a group of 14 people shipwrecked( टूटे हुए जहाज़ का )off the Konkan coast. One group converted to Hinduism as Chitpavan Brahmins, the other remained Jewish or Bene Israel. The Konkan region has been inhabited by several immigrant groups including the Parsis, the Bene Israelis, the Kudaldeshkar Gaud Brahmins, and the Konkani Saraswat Brahmins, and the Chitpavan Brahmins were the last of these immigrant arrivals.

DNA Report


Approximately 35% to 43% of Jewish men are in the paternal line known as haplogroup J and its sub-haplogroups. This Haplogroup is particularly present in the Middle East, Southern Europe, and Northern Africa.

About Hotar a Vedik Priest

Hotar is group of priest peoples .. who called Gods at the time of Yadnya by fire .. and the lord fire have their vehicle as Sheep and the same thing in today's time which followed by Dhangar people in Maharashtra which is Gaji nrutya at the time of night ..when they start fire and dance Gaji nritya . Hotar word is 1st word of shlokas of rig veda: अ॒ग्निमी॑ळे पु॒रोहि॑तं य॒ज्ञस्य॑ दे॒वमृ॒त्विज॑म् । होता॑रं रत्न॒धात॑मम् ॥ १ ॥ Hatti is very oldest tri be in India.(archaically transliterated as HattiKara or Barhatta, BaraHatti ). They are animal keeper peoples. In vedic times they also called as Hota means (Vedic priest). Priests of the Vedic religion are officiants of the yajna (Fire worship) service. As persons trained for the ritual and proficient in its practice, they were called ṛtvij ("regularly-sacrificing"). As members of a social class, they were generically known as vipra ("sage") or kavi ("seer").Specialization of roles attended the elab

अभीर/अहीर– कालचुर्य (कलचूरी) युग।

कालचुर्य कुलदेवी माँ महामाया तथा इष्ट देवता हाटकेश्वर महादेव की जय हो ! प्राचीन मेसोपोटेमिया ( सुरप्रदेश / सुमेरिया / सिरिया ) के अभीर या सुराभीर नाग की ओर से विश्व को कृषिशास्त्र , गोवंशपालन या पशुपालन आधारित अर्थतंत्र , भाषा लेखन लिपि , चित्र व मूर्तिकला , स्थापत्य कला ( नगर शैली ), नगर रचना ( उन्ही के नाम से नगर शब्द ), खाध्यपदार्थो मे खमीरिकरण या किण्वन (fermentation) प्रक्रिया की तकनीक ( अचार , आटा / ब्रेड / नान , घोल /batter, सिरका , सुरा ) इत्यादि जैसी सदैव उ पयोगी भेट मिली है जो वर्तमान युग मे भी मानव जीवन और अर्थतन्त्र की द्रष्टि से अति महत्वपूर्ण है। प्राचीन काल से धनगर गौ पुजा करते है I सोलोमन , हरप्पन , कुशाण से लेकर के कालचुर्य तक सभी अभीर राज्यो मे महारुद्र भगवान शिव , गोवंश ( गाय , नंदी / वृषभ ), देवी महामाया , धार्मिक स्थापत्य , सांप्रदायिक सदभावना , स्त्री दाक्षिण्य , लोकोपयोगी कार्य , लिपिज्ञान संशोधन , मुद्रा , सिक्के इत्यादि की महत्ता समानरूप से द्रष्टिगोचर