मीदि/मेड(Old Persian Māda derived from Madeans) आर्य थे।

मीदि/मेड(Old Persian Māda derived from Madeans) आर्य थे। प्रसिद्ध इतिहासकार हेरोदोतुस ने उन्हें आर्यन कहा है और उनकी छै जातियों में से एक जाति ब्राहमणों की थी जिसे मग ब्राहमण या मागी भी कहा गया है,जो मारकड का अपभ्रंश है। मेड आर्य अजमीढ़ साम्राज्य जिसे एक्मेनिद एम्पायर कहा जाता हैI मीदि आर्य धोती पहनते थे जबकि उन के सहयोगी पारसी मेड आर्य कुर्ता पजामा पहनते थे।
The Medes were called anciently by all people as Aryans.Famous historian Herodotus mentioned them as Aryans.
Josephus relates the Medes (OT Heb. Madai) to the biblical character, Madai, son of Japheth and one of the 16 grandson of Nova. "Now as to Javan and Madai, the sons of Japhet; from Madai came the Madeans, who are called Medes, by the Greeks(" Antiquities of the Jews, I:6).Madeans are clan of Yadavs.Jew are the son of Yadu.
On this basis, some scholars seek Yadav and Jews connection. According to Stephen Knapp, the Greeks referred to the Jews as Judeos, or Jah deos or Yadavas, meaning people of Ya or descendants of Yadu, one of the sons of Yayati.
Traditionally, the creator of the Median kingdom was one Deioces, who, according to Herodotus, reigned from 728 to 675 BCE and founded the Median capital Ecbatana (Hâgmatâna or modern Hamadan) in Ancient Persia or Iran.


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