"Asura" origin of Vaidiks!(वैदिक स्वयम असुर थे!)

Religious history of India is heavily corrupted by the Brahmin scholars in an attempt to prove their supremacy over other castes. Few decades ago they were constantly propagating that they were “Aryans” who invaded India, defeated Dasa, Dasyu’s and Asura’s, the local uncultured tribal communities and forced Aryan culture over them. When well planned ancient cities begun to see sunlight after various excavations in Sindhu/Ghaggar Hakra region, first they were shocked, baffled and later on suddenly changed their stance. First they started to state that those were Aryans who destroyed those cities. But when no proof of any violent battle in or around the remnants of cities came forward, they started to state that the Sindhu culture was created by Aryans.
Vedic’s too originally belonged to Asura clan.
Rigveda is a solid proof to prove this statement. The greatest God in Veda’s, before rise of Indra was “Asur Varuna”. In at leat 64 verses of Rgveda he is called as Asur Varuna.
Vedic’s originally belonged to Asura clan of whom Das -Dasyus were sub-clans. For political reasons King Sudasa adopted Fire-sacrifice religion on the instance of Rishi Vasishtha. This religion was originally introduced by Bhrugu’s. But though separated from the same Asura clan (society), Sudasa and his seers couldn’t abandon their ancestral roots/faiths. Hence Asura, Dasa, Dasyu remained important epithets those were obscured in later times when the division was complete. And we can find traces of this course in the Vedas.
Grandson of Lord Krishna, Aniruddha, married Usha, daughter of Banasur, an Asur King.
Lord Krishna’s mother belonged to Asur clan.
Sisters of Krishna married Asur King Jarasangha.
Arjuna married Ulupi, a Naga (Asur) princess.
Bhima married Hidimba, a Raksasa (another optional name for Asura) woman.
Seer Jaratkaru married a Naga woman, sister of Naga Taksaka, of same name…Jaratkaru.
There are hundreds of such examples which tell us that Asura clan never was dethroned from their original position nor it was shoved southwards. The Puranik Brahmins in later centuries opened a campaign through Puranik myths composing heinous stories around Asuras…that Asuras were bad, demonic, man-eaters, enemy of virtues, devilish and what not. While doing so they forgot they too were Asuras and now too follow their religion…Idol (Shiva-Vishnu) worshipping!


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