हूण (The Huns/Hoons .Information in English is given below )
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हूण (The Huns/Hoons .Information in English is given below )
हूण एशिया की एक जाति थी जिसने ईसा की चौथी और पाँचवीं शताब्दी में सारे संसार में अपना प्रताप फैलाया था। यूरोप का प्रसिद्ध इतिहास लेखक गिबन इन हूणों के विषय में लिखता है:-
“सारे यूरोप में गाथ( जाट)
और वेंडल नामक असभ्यों ने उपद्रव मचा रखा था। पर वे भी हूणों के सामने भागे(जाट पश्चिम यूरेशिया मे गाथ कहलाये)।
“सारे यूरोप में गाथ( जाट)
और वेंडल नामक असभ्यों ने उपद्रव मचा रखा था। पर वे भी हूणों के सामने भागे(जाट पश्चिम यूरेशिया मे गाथ कहलाये)।
हूणों का जैसा प्रताप और वैभव था वैसा अधिकार वे जमा न सके। उनके विजयी दल वोल्गा नदी से लेकर डैन्यूब नदी के किनारे तक फैले थे। पर उनका जातीय बल नेताओं की परस्पर फूट से शिथिल रहा, उनका बहुत सा पराक्रम छोटी-छोटी लड़ाइयों में व्यर्थ खर्च होता था।
अटिला के राजत्वकाल में उन्होंने फिर संसार को हिला डाला। उनके आक्रमणों से एशिया और यूरोप दोनों महाद्वीपों में हलचल मच गई और रोमन साम्राज्य का पतन हुआ।”
“इन हूणों का प्रवाह चीन की सीमा से चलकर जर्मनी तक पहुँचा था। इनके जो सबसे प्रबल दल थे वे रोमन साम्राज्य की सीमाओं पर जम गए थे। कुछ दिनों तक रोमन सम्राट दान नीति का अवलम्बन करके अपने प्रदेशों की रक्षा करते रहे। पर हूण लोग जितना ही पाते गए उतना ही तंग करते गए।”
धनगर/गुर्जरों मे हूण/हूणमाने वंश पाया जाता हैI
Huns were member of a nomadic pastoralist ( चलवासी पशुचारणिक जन ) people, who are known to have lived in Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia between the 1st century AD and the 7th century. They were first reported living east of the Volga River, in an area that was part of Scythia at the time; the Huns' arrival is associated with the migration westward of a Scythian people, the Alans.[1] They were first mentioned as Hunnoi by Tacitus. In 91 AD, the Huns were said to be living near the Caspian Sea and by about 150 AD had migrated southeast into theCaucasus.[2] By 370 AD, the Huns had established a vast, if short-lived, dominion in Europe.
Huns, invaded southeastern Europe c. AD 370 and during the next seven decades built up an enormous empire there and in central Europe. Appearing from beyond the Volga River some years after the middle of the 4th century, they first overran the Alani, who occupied the plains between the Volga and the Don rivers, and then quickly overthrew the empire of the Ostrogoths between the Don and the Dniester. About 376 they defeated the Visigoths living in what is now approximately Romania and thus arrived at the Danubian frontier of the Roman Empire.
The earliest systematic description of the Huns is that given by the historian Ammianus Marcellinus, writing c. 395. They were apparently primitive (आदिम) pastoralists who knew nothing of agriculture. They had no settled homes and no kings; each group was led by primates, as Ammianus called them. Whether or not they had a single overall leader in the 4th century is still a matter of dispute.
As warriors the Huns inspired almost unparalleled fear throughout Europe. They were amazingly accurate mounted archers, and their complete command of horsemanship, their ferocious charges and unpredictable retreats, and the speed of their strategically movements brought them overwhelming victories.
Huns had overthrown the powerful Roman empire.
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