आदिवराह गुर्जर सम्राट मिहिरभोज महान :आर्याव्रत के महाराजाधिराज ("Great King over Kings of the abode of the Aryans". i.e. Lord of Northern India)

सम्राट मिहिरभोज भारत के कुछ महान सम्राटों मे से एक जाने जाते हैंI लेकिन अफसोस की बात है कि इतने बड़े महान सम्राट का नाम भी बहुत सारे भारतीय लोगों को मालूम नही हैं
मिहिर का मतलब है सूर्य. गुर्जर प्रतिहार छठी शताब्दी से ११वीं शताब्दी के मध्य उत्तर भारत के एक बड़े हिस्से पर राज्य करने वाला राजवंश था।मिहिरभोज इनका सबसे महान राजा था|अरब लेखक मिहिरभोज के काल को सम्पन्न काल बताते है| इतिहासकरो का मानना है कि इन गुर्जरो ने भारत को अरब हमलो से लगभग ३०० साल तक बचाया था, इसलिए प्रतिहार (रक्षक) नाम पडा|यद्यपि राष्ट्रकुट्टो, जो कि गुर्जरो के शत्रु थे, ने अपने अभिलेखो इन्हे उन्के किसी एक यज्ञ का प्रतिहार (रक्षक) बताया है|गुर्जर प्रतिहारो का पालवन्श तथा राष्ट्रकुट्ट राजवन्श के साथ कन्नोज को लेकर युध होता था|
प्रतिहार वंश' को गुर्जर प्रतिहार वंश इसलिए कहा गया, क्योंकि ये गुर्जरों की ही एक शाखा थे, जिनकी उत्पत्ति गुजरात दक्षिण-पश्चिम राजस्थान में हुई थी। प्रतिहारों के अभिलेखों में उन्हें श्रीराम के अनुज लक्ष्मण का वंशज बताया गया है, जो श्रीराम के लिए प्रतिहार (द्वारपाल) का कार्य करता था। कन्नड़ कवि 'पम्प' ने महिपाल को 'गुर्जर राजा' कहा है। 'स्मिथ' ह्वेनसांग के वर्णन के आधार पर उनका मूल स्थान आबू पर्वत के उत्तर-पश्चिम में स्थित भीनमल को मानते हैं। कुछ अन्य विद्वानों के अनुसार उनका मूल स्थान अवन्ति था।
Samrat Mihir Bhoj: Mihira Bhoja I (836–885 CE) or Bhoja I was a ruler of the Gurjar Pratihara dynasty of India. He succeeded his father Ramabhadra. Bhoja was a devotee of Vishnu and adopted the title of Adivaraha which is inscribed on some of his coins. He was One of the outstanding political figures of India in ninth century, he ranks with Dhruva Dharavarsha and Dharmapala as a great general and empire builder. 
At its height, Bhoja's empire extended to Narmada River in the South, Sutlej River in the northwest, and up to Bengal in the east. It extended over a large area from the foot of the Himalayas up to the river Narmada and included the present district of Etawah in Uttar Pradesh.
When Mihira Bhoja started his career reverses and defeats suffered by his father Ramabhadra had considerably lowered the prestige of the Royal Gurjar Pratihar family. He invaded the Pala Empire of Bengal, but was defeated by Devapala. He then launched a campaign to conquer the territories to the south of his empire and was successful. He gradually rebuilt the empire by conquest of territories in Rajasthan, Gujaratand Madhya Pradesh. The Chandelas of Bundelkhand acknowledged his suzerainty.Besides being a conqueror, Bhoja was a great diplomat.During his reign, the capital was in Kannauj (present-day Uttar Pradesh), during his period Kannauj was referred as Panchala. who in the tenth century were titled as
आर्याव्रत के महाराजाधिराज ("Great King over Kings of the abode of the Aryans". i.e. Lords of Northern India)
He was a bitter enemy of the Muslim invasions who, according to an Arab chronicler, Sulaiman, maintained a large army and had a fine cavalry. The territories under his rule were prosperous and safe from robbers. His state was rich in natural resources, especially gold and silver mines.
Many temples made by him still survive. Teli Mandir, near Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh, marks the presence of Vishnu on earth. The temple's architecture, design and layout features an outstanding fusion of architectural styles: the roof resembles a Dravidian style while the decoration highlights the art of North India. 
He was succeeded by his son Mahenderpal 1 (c.836 - 910 CE).
Mihira Bhoja I's epithet was Srimad-Adivaraha (the fortunate primeval boar incarnation of Vishnu) and therefore there is a broad agreement amongst the scholars on the attribution of adivaraha dramma billon coins to him. These coins have a depiction of Adivaraha on the obverse


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